“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” – Alfred North Whitehead
The holiday season is our favorite time of the year. It allows us to take the time and reflect on all the events that have transpired this past year and muse over all the things we’re grateful for.
In August, Pinkies Up celebrated our first full trip around the sun! When Matt and I decided to open this concept, we took the inspiration from a store we often visited living in Raleigh. It was more than a store; it was a place where we met new people, celebrated old friendships, and of course, drank delicious beer and wine. It was a place we loved to visit, and we wanted to create those same memories for others here in Roswell.
2019 has been a year full of roller coasters for us. I lost my mom in April, and my dad was touch and go for two months in September & October. We had scares with our dogs and struggles personally. However, through it all, we had a community that was born from our store that has kept us going. We have met so many of you who have supported us, talked about us to your friends, and became more than customers walking through our door. We have shared your successes and your sorrows. From new jobs, saying goodbyes to love ones, celebrating achievements, and being there for the new empty nesters. We have seen book clubs start from less than ten members grow to over 100 in a year. We have seen church groups find a safe space to build fellowship together. However, the most incredible thing we have seen is the generosity of our community. We have donated thousands of dollars to local charities, given new underwear to foster kids, and packed feminine products for the women who need them. You have blown us away with the kindness you radiate.
We want to take just a few moments to express our gratitude to you. We humbly appreciate being a part of this community. We are thankful for our neighbors Mitch’s Meats & Seafood, which has helped us grow (including our waistlines). As we gather around the table this evening, our hearts are full of thanks. From our family to yours, we wish you an incredible Thanksgiving and the start of a beautiful holiday season.
Thank you,
Missy & Matt
